Marketing Support & Development Activities
We establish formal marketing plans in collaboration with the customer starting with internal and external audits. We identify important priorities from the audits and then design strategies and activity plans to support business and marketing goals based on these priorities.
Strong Alliances or Programs
If you want to enter a new market, is it better to go it alone and complete all the necessary paperwork, or is it wiser to build a strategic alliance or collaboration with local businesses who are already active in the area? The business development team, with the aid of the legal and financial departments, examines all of the advantages and disadvantages of the potential choices and decides on the one that will benefit the company the most.
Business and Project Planning
Does the business expansion necessitate a new operation in the target market, or will all the goods be produced in the home country before being imported? Does the latter option call for a second facility in the base nation? Based on their evaluations of time and cost, the team of business development makes these selections. The project management/implementation team then gets to work in order to achieve the intended result.